One night stand is something many people usually never for but in real sense one can find themselves in this mess even without planning it.What are the things to do after the act has happened.Well i took sometime to go through them and this is what surfaced up.The Seven Rules after a romantic one night stand
1)Exchange the Digits
Go ahead and get his number and give him yours. It leaves the door
open to future hook ups if either of you need that late night booty
call. Don’t expect a phone call, of course. This is mostly a courtesy.
You can always block his number if you decide you don’t ever want to
hear from him. Don’t set up a follow up phone call unless you want to
feel really bad about yourself.
2) Don’t Snoop
If you’re at his place, don’t start snooping around. Not only is it
rude, but it’s for your benefit as well. What if you find something that
grosses you out? What if you see what cannot be unseen? Like a picture
of him and his fiancee? The opposite goes into effect if he’s with you:
hide anything that you don’t want some stranger to see.
3) Get up
You’ll need to throw something to hide your naked body. Those
glittery covered shoulders and chocolate painted thighs probably looked
glorious a few hours ago, but in the cold light of day you probably look
like a hungover cupcake.
Grab a sheet or something of theirs and cover yourself
4) Make a little conversation
Comment on the weather, chat about what football team you support or laugh about the drinks you mixed the night before.
It’s always best to make fun of what you’re now wearing too. A sequined mini skirt with heels and smudged makeup will probably give
you a few lifted eyebrows on the way home but at least it’s a
conversation piece.
Stay away from making plans with them until you’ve fully recovered.
5)Skip breakfast
You have food at home. If you don’t you can get food on the way home.
If you don’t have money you can raid the bin outside Starbucks. It’s
just easier.
You don’t need a hungover meal of dry toast and awkward silence. And
what if they put in the milk at the wrong ti
6) Don’t Text in Bed
Unless you want to be a jerk, or need to urgently contact someone,
stay off your phone while in bed with him. It may be boring, but the guy
will probably think you’re talking about him—he probably wouldn’t be
wrong. The same goes double for talking on the phone. If you really want
to talk to somebody else, take a bathroom break or go get something
from the kitchen.
me during the tea making
stages? How will you ever not shake your head in disgust?
6)Get Away Very Fast
I've never heard a guy or girl complain that someone
left too fast, but I have heard both guys and girls complain that
someone stuck around too long.
7)Do Not Over Stay In Bed
After the act dont just overstay in bed get up and keep moving.What you wanted to do in bed you can do it in your house
gud stuff keep posting and infact its true the whole stuff